Stress Prevention

July 10th, 2013 by Scott Paglia, L.Ac. Leave a reply »

StressThere are several ways to prevent stress. Some activities can entail passive and active methods that are for the soothing of the nerves. Some of the activities you can do for the prevention of stress include:

  • Listening To Music
  • Writing/painting/drawing
  • Dancing
  • Raising your pet
  • Gardening
  • Exercise

Exercise is highly recommended for stress and for the management of stress. It is one way of helping the body’s own “feel-good” chemicals help the person stay happy, light and relaxed. Exercise greatly increases self-confidence and can turn a bad mood into a good one. It also makes you sleep better and helps improve circulation.

Deep Breathing

Stress makes your heart beat faster and work harder than it should. To calm down your heart rate, you can do some deep breathing to lower your stress level and make you relax. Deep breathing also allows you to breathe in more oxygen in the bloodstream improving the function of your body systems. Breathe in slowly but deeply through your nose and after 10 seconds slowly breathe out using your mouth.

You can prevent stress using complementary and alternative medicine or CAM.

A number of holistic therapies can be utilized for your stress among which include Reiki therapy, Ayurveda, Acupuncture and Tai Chi.

Other Options for stress relaxation include massage therapy and biofeedback to mention just a couple.

Photo credtis to Bhernandez
